ph. 540.774.9236 txt 52353
Kidd Carter

Kidd Carter still works here? Why yes he does, and we're still not sure why he won't leave.
Kidd Carter originally came to K92 in the year 2000 as a part time weekend personality. There was nothing full time available, and he eventually moved to NC for another radio job. That opportunity didn't last even 2 years, and home was calling, so Kidd came back to K92 in October of 2003 to do random weekend shifts once again until a full time opportunity came available in August of 2004. Kidd Carter was offered the midday shift from 10am-2pm as well as the station's Promotions Director...and he took it. He would remain at those positions until May of 2015 where he decided to get his real estate license and become a Realtor.
He also runs and operates Blue Ridge Entertainment, one of the largest mobile DJ companies in Virginia.
Kidd believes radio is in your blood. Once it gets in you, you don't want to get it out...so he still maintains a minor role on the K92 airwaves. You can hear him from noon to 7pm every Sunday.
When he's not on the radio, you'll find him typically showing a house, playing someone in a pool game, or hanging out at the lake.